Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


great job this weekend ladies, it was wonderful to explore Austin with y'all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

guide to the marathon

One good idea for calming pre-race jitters, in my opinion, is making a game plan. I've already run the entire course, piece by piece, but I know that y'all have never even seen Austin and have no idea what to expect. Here's a link to a great course description to help you make a plan.

Yesterday, I finally made it to one of the group track workouts with the Texas Running Company, and it helped me a lot in feeling strong and ready for this race. We ran three miles around the track at our "race pace" with a minute or so of rest in between. Mike had us running a 9:00 min/mi pace, which sounds insane to me as a race pace, but felt great on the track.

He echoed Hal with advice to just run on little 2-miler on Saturday to shake out our legs, and nothing more this week.

Here goes nothing!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh my god, only six days to go before the Austin Marathon! I'm getting excited, and nervous, for the big run. How's everyone else feeling?

(we make it look easy!)

Yesterday, for our final long training run, we ran the first five miles of the course... the starting line at the capital building, down San Jacinto, down Guadalupe, over the Congress bridge, and up Congress. The first few miles have a nice downhill that will be great for warming up easy. Then there's a big uphill heading up South Congress past lots of cool shops and restaurants, before we turn around and head back down. My plan is to take it easy for this whole section, not bombing down the hills, not charging up them, but running a steady pace.

In other news!
This little furball will be cheering for us next Sunday. Meet Zeke, my future running partner!

Looking forward to the coming weekend, it should be chock full of running, puppies, Lone Stars, tacos, and sunshine!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Austin weather is officially insane!!! On Sunday's long run, we were sweating in the hot sun with 80 degree temps. Yesterday I went running after work and it was 24 degrees plus a nasty wind chill that made it feel even colder. Tonight it might even snow. What does this mean for the upcoming marathon, in just 17 days? It's safe to say that there is no way to predict the weather on race day. Pack lots of layers, and be ready for anywhere between below freezing and hot as hell!!! (And cross your fingers for 60 degrees and perfect.)