Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pumping Iron

I'm on a strength training kick this week. My inspiration (aside from Arnold, of course) is a conversation I had with Faith on our way home from the Eugene Marathon. We both felt like now that we had run the marathon, it was time to "get in shape" - how crazy is that! We had just completed an epic 26.2 run, finishing strong, and I felt out of shape. So, for this marathon, one of my goals is to maintain total fitness, not just running fitness.

I like the simplicity of the routine recommended by Hal. It's a quick six exercises that you could do at home or at the gym, and I've added a seventh. It only takes about 30 minutes. My plan is to do these two or three days a week, right after the shorter runs of 3 - 4 miles.

Strength Training, for running:

1. Chest - bench press or push-ups, 2 sets of 12
2. Back - rowing, 2 sets of 12
3. Shoulders - overhead press, 2 sets of 12 (my addition)
4. Triceps - overhead pull, 2 sets of 12
5. Biceps - curl, 2 sets of 12
6. Abs - crunches, 3 sets of 15
7. Legs - lunges, 2 sets of 12

Is anyone else inspired to get pumped up this marathon season?

1 comment:

  1. SUCH a good idea!! How are you doing the row and the overhead pulls at home? I need to do something because I can totally relate to your feelings. I might try to take another fitness camp in November/December too.
