Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm not really sure if today's workout would technically count as a brick because there was around three hours between my run and my bike ride.  It's okay, though, because I still feel like a total bad ass for running three miles AND biking three and a half today:).  Faith is still a sicko so I was solo once again.  It's odd how quickly I've gotten used to having a daily running buddy after years of running solo on week days!!  This has been a very active week for me and it has left me feeling pretty energized and looking forward to a good long run on Saturday;).  Wish you could be there with us, Jody!!  



  1. I've never heard of a workout being called a "brick" - but it sounds like you've had a fun week! Wish I could join you guys for a few of those mid-day runs.

  2. A brick is any two discipline workout done immediately back to back. Triathletes do them. Typically, you would bike then run or swim then bike. A run then bike brick is uncommon but whateves!!
