Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where have I been?!?!

First, I must apologize to all my loyal readers for my hiatus.  What's that?  I don't have any readers?  Loyal or otherwise??  Oh... 

Jess and Jewel wo-manning the Run Oregon booth at the Portland Marathon Expo

Ty and I spent a busy two weeks of evening after work getting ready for Run Oregon's first marathon Expo.  We then both logged two 12+ hour days manning our booth at the Portland Marathon Expo along with our VERY good friend Jewel (who you may know from mentions on my other blog...  oh wait, that whole no readers thing again!!).  The three of us estimate that we personally talked to about 1,000 runners and we managed to get 630 entries into our Vibram FiveFingers giveaway. 

So, all this to say...  this is why I haven't found the time to blog as regularly as I would like.  But, as life returns to a normal level of activity, I'm hoping that I'll be back on here at least a couple of times a week. 

I'll use this post to update my weekly summary for last week:
M - 4 mile run, Socks class
T - 3 mile run, pilates class
W - hours of kickball
T - rest
F - rest
S - 3.5 mile run
S - rest

A little too much on the resting but I'm hoping to make up for it this week - stay tuned!! 


  1. You have at least one loyal reader, enjoying the updates and wishing all of you the best of luck in your training.

  2. I has a reader, I has a reader!!! Thanks, Luke:).
