Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Crazy Abs and Christmas Vacation

Look out Oregon!!! Booking my flight home at this very moment and I'm psyched to run on some familiar ground while I'm home for the holidays. Anyone want to do a long run with me in Portland on Sunday, January 2nd? (C'mon, we're all taking the 1st off, right?) Mark your calendars! I can almost feel the cold raindrops now.

Also, I have been meaning to put up a post about this crazy abs routine that the coaches at Texas Running Company put together. It takes about thirty minutes (thirty EXCRUCIATING minutes) to complete. They recommend doing it once a week after an easy run. Enjoy the burn!

Crazy Abs:

1. Plank - hold plank position for 30 seconds, work up to 60 seconds.

2. Pushups - 5 of the lower half, 5 of the top half, then 5 full, work up to 10 of each

3. Bicycle - first, do just one leg at a time, the other leg bent, 30 seconds each leg. Then, do 30 seconds with both legs, then 30 seconds in reverse direction.

4. Dying yet? Too bad! There's a lot more to go.

5. Count down - lying on your back with legs straight up in the air, slowly lower to 6" off the ground and back up to a count of 10. Do this 5 to 10 times. Advanced: do ten scissor kicks when you reach the bottom.

6. Bridges - lie on your back with knees bent, feet as close to your hips as possible. Cross arms over chest, perform 10 bridge-lifts with both feet on ground, then lift right leg, perform 10 bridge-lifts, lift left leg, perform 10 bridge-lifts.

7. Side plank - First hold side plank for 30 seconds. Then lie down on your side with your head in your hand, do 10 leg-lifts with top leg. Flip over and repeat all on other side

8. Plank leg lifts - hold plank position for 30 seconds, then lift each leg and hold for 15 seconds each

9. "Straight as a Broom" - lie face down with your arms extended overhead. lift hips, legs, knees, and arms so that just your forehead, chest, and toes are on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds, rest, and hold for another 30 seconds

10. Standing running mans - this is on the list and I have no idea what to do based on this description:

"Start standing on left leg, with right leg raised up as if in exaggerated running form (toes touching knee)
• Right arm is pulled all the way back and left arm is all the way up (as in exaggerated running form)
• Touch right arm down to ground in front of leg – repeat x10
• Switch legs (stand on right leg with left leg raised, left arm back and right arm forward) Touch left arm down to ground – repeat x10"

I'd love to see what everyone's interpretation of these movements looks like!
It might look something like this:

11. Backs against the wall - Start with feet 3 to 4 inches away from the wall, and press lower back against the wall to activate core. Lengthen through back and neck, tucking your chin, and hold for 30 seconds, using your core to press back against the wall (rather than your legs). Rest, move feet an inch closer to the wall, repeat.

Did you follow along at home? If so, congratulations, you are guaranteed to have crazy sore abs tomorrow. Keep it up and you'll graduate to crazy abs in no time!

(Crazy abs modeled here by my Portland running hero Kara Goucher)

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo - you're coming home!!! Let me know the dates that you'll be in Portland so we can at least get in a run or two together! Also, if you need a crash pad, I've got the space:).

    We do a lot of those exercises or similar things in the bootcamp that we are doing. That much core work is so hard - you are one hard-core woman for doing all that!! I think I'll reference this when our bootcamp is done so I can keep up the improvements I've made. Kara abs are ridiculous but who wouldn't want to look like that?!!?!
