Three hella cool chicks virtually and not-so-virtually training together for the 2011 Austin Marathon. Won't you join our humble journey?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 2

Week 2 was an exhausting week for me but more because of my extras than because of the running.  Here's my recap:

M - 3 miles at 10:26, Warrior Camp
T - 5 miles at 10:32, Warrior Camp
W - 3 miles at 11:13, Warrior Camp
T - 5 miles at 10:54, Warrior Camp
F - rest
S - 9 at 10:47 miles with group
S - rest

This is a step-back week...  something that I always look forward to!! 


  1. Lake Oswego Warrior Princess?
    your workouts are enough for the both of us... so I'll just chill on the couch for a while longer :)
    Great Job Jess... Faith and Jody too...

  2. Don't chill too long... you might not be able to get up!! Have you gotten to use your Yak Trax yet? I was looking at them online today - I might need some if our winter is as bad here as they are predicting:).
